Sunday, February 04, 2007


Today I spent my day on sniffing all kinds of wonderful perfumes. Chaya who comment here often was so kind to sent me some real wonderful samples of perfume. I will review some of them later. I also sniffed the perfumes we swap on my Perfumemaking group at Yahoo. We let other members smell our own creations to get feedback about them, this is real fun to do, but also difficult, the feedback is supposed to be a helpful feedback not only a description of the perfume. It would be funny to see how many different feedbacks we will receive, because a personal preference has also much to do with it.

You can smell if a perfume is well constructed but taste is something else, I think that what we like to smell could have much to do with our scent memory and our character. I also think that it's important to know why we like to wear perfume, some of us would like to be noticed others would like to wear a more subtle perfume. I wear perfumes for different reasons but the most important reason is that it has to make me feel good.


chayaruchama said...

Lieve Jenny,

I know what you mean...
I never wear perfume for the "look at me !" aspect; I wear it to please myself, express myself [or some particular emotion, or undercurrent], or to elevate my mood.

I also choose perfumes to complete an artistic concept, or for the perceived therapeutic effect it is going to have on those who come in contact with it...

I know that the latter objective has been met successfully, when I feel people relax in my presence.

I look forward to all your thoughts, as always!


Jenny said...

Mijn lieve Chaya, I'm sure it's not only the perfume you wear that makes people relax in your presence.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny

Did you know that there is a new Annick Goutal site to be launched soon? Apparently if you enter your email address on the holding page they have put up there they will inform you of the launch whch will be on 6th June.

I think the link you have to Annick Goutal on your blog is to the wrong domain it should be not .nl


Jenny said...

Thanks Andy, you are right, I will change it into the right one.
