Friday, November 09, 2007


I want to share this amazing video with you which I found at YouTube. This woman of 84 years old plays Liebesleid by Fritz Kreisler on the piano. She plays this beatiful piece of music with such a passion and soul, I just had to share it with you. It's beautiful.


chayaruchama said...

Marvellous, Jenny !
I had to use Mozilla Firefox in order to see it...

What a lady...

Jenny said...

Oh, don't know why it doesn't work just without Firefox. I'm happy you was able to watch it anyway.

Yes, what a lady, did you see all the emotions in her face at the end of the video? It must feel wonderful if you can play piano like that.

Indeterminacy said...

That was simply amazing! And what a wonderful scent!

One of my favorite cds is by Edith Kraus playing piano concertos of Viktor Ullmann, a Czech composer murdered at Auschwitz. Eva was the first to play his 5th concerto at Theresienstadt in 1944. She survived the internment, and the recording I speak of was made when she was 83 years old. Her playing is pure poetry and passion. Similar to this video.

(I found your site searching for Fritz Kreisler).

Jenny said...

Funny that you found this blog about perfume making while searching for Fritz Kreisler. Isn't it wonderful if you still can play like this at that age? I would love to hear the recording you speak of. Can it be found on the Internet?

Thanks for your comment.

Indeterminacy said...

- I got an error after sending my comment so I try again, just in case -

I would love to share the music with you, as I think the cd is not being made anymore. Please write to me at indeterminacy *at* gmail *dot* com, and we can try to work out how.

Jenny said...

Great, I will write you a PM.

Vasily said...

This calls to mind the following passionate poem, written by American poet Stanley Kunitz when he was well over 90 years old:


Jenny said...

Thanks for the passionate poem Vasily.

What makes the engine go?
Desire, desire, desire.

No matter our age......